Last night I was sitting on my couch drinking my favorite tea – ginger with lemon and honey, thinking about what inspiration I wanted to share with you today. This old, familiar voice said quietly, “You don’t have anything to share. Who’s going to read it anyways?” I turned my head sideways and took another

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A few years ago I saw an ad on Facebook, “Models Wanted. No experience preferred.” I clicked on it. I had a secret desire to be a model, but didn’t think I had the looks to be that person. But more deeply, because I didn’t really embrace my body all that much. In fact, I

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Last weekend I attended the annual “Celebrating Women” weekend in Boulder, Montana. And it amazes me how I forget what it’s like, and how important it is, to connect within and with others on a deep level as a group of people until I dive back into it, and realize, “Oh yeah, this is what

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I couldn’t resist using this quote! It was so appropriate for an experience I want to share with you, and how this experience is relevant to you and your life. This weekend I went to one of the best musical festivals, I think, there is. It’s the Montana Folk Festival in Butte, Montana. If you

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There have been pivotal times in my life where a certain moment or person has provided me with incredible clarity and inspiration. You know, the kind of moment that you still remember every detail about, as if you were standing in the same place of time again with smells, sight, sounds, and especially how you

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As I continue my journey of growth and evolving, I continue the unfolding of my feminine side. Until I was 35, I rejected my feminine side. This included dressing in more masculine clothes, ignoring my wisdom and intuition, dis-respecting feminine power, and seeing heart and emotions as “weak.”  Then one day, when I went to

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