Discover the peace & clarity that comes when you tap into your intuition 

You feel fatigued and anxious, but you know that you want to live from truth and wisdom – trusting yourself, letting go, and creating positive thoughts.

You’re trapped in how things are “supposed” to be and losing what is actually going on in the present. You yearn for relaxation and stillness.

Now you’re craving time for yourself. You want to feel more and think less. It’s time to hear and listen to your intuition, to worry less and trust more.

I’m here to help you turn off all the “mental stuff,” all the intellectualizing. I want to help you open your heart fully and follow it.

I can help you. 

I offer two programs that move you forward towards your own desires and vision for life:  


Awaken Your Power 
3-Month Program

Stop feeling like life is passing you by. It’s time to show the world who you really are and what you are here to do. This is a program designed to guide you on how to do just that. You will become the person who courageously speaks their truth, is tapped into their intuitive wisdom, lives their life’s purpose, and does it all from a place of peace and passion.

In this 3-month program, you will develop a daily meditation/mindfulness practice and develop other tools to create peace and awaken the empowered, purposeful YOU. You will learn how to connect mind, body, heart, and spirit, living from ALL of you in your relationships, career, parenting process, and more.

Find Your Center
6-Week Program

You know you’re ready to do something different. However, you may feel nervous or unsure about what that looks like. This is the program for you. You’ll receive high quality, personalized coaching in this 6-week program to begin a daily meditation practice and get a taste of more peace and happiness. Meanwhile, you’ll have time to know if our work together is effective for you and your desires.


“Angela is a pleasure to work with and the best cheerleader. She is willing to meet you where you are and sees no limit to your potential growth. At the same time, she’s able to be truthful, even when you’re denying your own truth, and make you examine it fully.”
– Maureen, Woody Creek, CO

“The most powerful skill I have in my life now came through my work with Angela: the ability discern the difference between the voice of my ego (fear) and the voice of my higher self (love).”
– Shelby N.


“Objective reality is what we deal with everyday. Angela gave me the tools to live that reality in a much more peaceful manner. I find myself more awake and alive and open to life and the people I love and truly care about. I would highly recommend her for anyone who desires to put his or her life on a purposeful, meaningful and heartfelt path.”
– Ken, Bozeman, MT

“In her 1-on-1 program, Angela suggested practical, intuitively-based assignments to help me stimulate my own intuition and remember the love for others that I had long ago buried. My sense of zeal in the spiritual adventure has been awakened.”
– Chrysti, Belgrade, MT



“Angela’s commitment to accept me and provide a supportive, open perspective helped me see that my mind kept me in patterns of fear. From our work together, I’m not so ingrained in those patterns. I’m feeling the confidence that has always been within me to step through fears and live the life I want. She has made a tremendous impact in my life.”
– Evette, Bozeman, MT



“Angela is a beautiful person and inspiring and supportive coach. I feel more peaceful, more connected to myself. My purpose is gradually unfolding and I continue to invite and embrace more fun and intuition into my days.”
– Heather U., Bozeman, MT



“Angela helped me to see my belief of not feeling worthy, and provided me with the tools to dissolve this belief. By becoming aware of how this belief caused my actions and reactions, I am finally able to own my decisions without feeling inhibited by what others might think.” 
– Shannon, Bozeman, MT



“Angela’s guidance and encouragement in the practice of meditation has been paramount in this journey towards inner peace and self-acceptance. As reflected in her name, Angela has given me wings, for which I am forever grateful.
– Robin M., Bozeman, MT



“Angela reintroduced me to meditation, journaling, and just being present. She showed me how asking “what is true” can lead to clarity. Now I am able to come from a more peaceful and grounded place.”
– Cheryl, Alder, MT



“Angela made it possible for me to live more out of my intuition and truly savor each unfolding moment more than I ever have.
– Kristen


“Angela taught me such valuable tools for accessing my authentic and truest self. I’m remembering to breath more, pause more before I react, and, best of all, I’ve become more gentle with myself. What a gift to the soul!”
– Jamie

Ready to take a powerful step in your life…for your joy…for your peace…for your freedom…for YOU?

Learn how to Awaken your Power here

Learn how to Find your Center here

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