We can stop at times in our life to push the re-start button or be conscious in what we want to create, and the start of a new year is an opportunity to do so. We can do this through “new year’s resolutions,” or we can do it on a deeper, more spiritual level that

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I recently posted a new photo on my Facebook personal page, one that says: “Hi, I’m here in all my glory and gifts!” I would not have posted a photo like this 5 years ago, because I did not believe I was gift and could not see my gifts or authentic self at that time.

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Mosquitoes. Just the word makes me itch. I am lucky (or unlucky depending on your perspective) to be one of those people that mosquitoes LOVE. Before entering the back country of Wyoming for three weeks this summer, my subconscious came forward with night terrors about being eaten by mosquitoes!  So started a trip into the

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