FAQ’s April 6, 2017 Got Questions? I’ve got answers! How much time is involved in these programs? Including the sessions and the tools I give you, plan on spending 30-40 minutes a day. 30 to 40 minutes a day – think about that. During the time it would take you to read the paper, mow the lawn, or spend time Continue Reading Post
Peace and Clarity Breakthrough Session June 27, 2016 This is a chance for us to get to know each other and what you are seeking. It’s an opportunity for you to gain clarity on what’s the best option or step to take next to create more peace, joy, clarity, patience, fulfillment, and presence.
Find Your Center January 10, 2016 You know you’re ready to do something different. However, you may feel nervous or unsure about what that looks like. This is the program for you. You’ll receive high quality, personalized coaching in this 6-week program to begin a daily meditation practice and get a taste of more peace and happiness. Meanwhile, you’ll have time to know if our work together is effective for you and your desires.
Awaken Your Power January 4, 2016 Stop feeling like life is passing you by. It’s time to show the world who you really are and what you are here to do. This is a program designed to guide you on how to do just that. You will become the person who courageously speaks their truth, is tapped into their intuitive wisdom, lives their life’s purpose, and does it all from a place of peace and passion.