This weekend I attended a weekend retreat with Rami Shapiro, a Jewish Rabbi from Tennessee (is that possible?) focusing on the art of Loving-Kindness. Having grown up Catholic, I relate my church experience with fear and guilt. Because of this, I tend to stay away from religious figures, but I suspected Rami would be different

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From making lemonade (see last post) to making miracles. After standing on the precipice of life and death with my Mom, the doctor found us after the surgery in the atrium, with big eyes, hearts pounding, waiting. He said, “Follow me into this room, and I’ll tell you what I found.” Oh God, what is

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I love to watch my cat Dave; his actions have such wisdom in them. He has been an amazing gift in my life, always present, always loving – well, when he says so. Dave has been my constant companion during life’s challenges, and continues to provide wisdom in just being in my life as he

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