Angela helped me to see my belief of not feeling worthy, and provided me with the tools to dissolve this belief. By becoming aware of how this belief caused my actions and reactions, I am finally able to own my decisions without feeling inhibited by what others might think.

Angela reintroduced me to meditation, journaling, and just being present. She showed me how asking “what is true” can lead to clarity. Now I am able to come from a more peaceful and grounded place.

After working with Angela, I’m happy to be me as I am now, and so curious about others as they are at that moment as well. I experience so much less stress and so much more joy!

With Angela’s caring guidance, I was able to become more aware of my feelings and where they were in my body. I am now able to listen to and trust my intuition and take action when it aligns with my true self. I have a clear sense of vision for my next career and am

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Angela taught me such valuable tools for accessing my authentic and truest self. I’m remembering to breath more, pause more before I react, and, best of all, I’ve become more gentle with myself. What a gift to the soul!

Angela made it possible for me to live more out of my intuition and truly savor each unfolding moment more than I ever have.

The 1-on-1 program has changed the way I view the world and my life! I am more connected to my heart and my intuition, and have more of a sense of possibility. I have more trust that things will work out.

Angela is truly a gift in the work she does. She holds space for you to work through things and is there to hold you accountable in a kind, gentle way.

After taking the 1-on-1 program with Angela, I feel more at ease with myself. I am more open and patient with myself and with others. My life is different because I have learned the tools to become less reactive, more mindful and more loving with myself.

Angela is a wonderful person to have in one’s life.  She is a loving, supportive presence that has been very valuable.

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