“What you focus on grows, what you think about expands and what you dwell on determines your destiny.”  That would mean that we are 100% responsible for our thinking. Darn it! It was so much easier when I could blame my dad for all my problems. Or blame my boyfriend, or even blame my house!

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I’m not going to pretend that I know much about relationships, because really I don’t. I’ve been single for many years, and am grateful for the time I’ve had to get to know myself on a deeper, loving level. I’m in my 40’s, which seems to be the age of divorce or separation, (the 20’s

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Last March a woman named Dianne contacted me who wanted to come to the Living Beyond Belief retreat, but needed a scholarship to do it. Miraculously one of my readers sent a full retreat scholarship the next day, for whomever needed it, not knowing that Dianne had just called me the day before asking about one. I had seen

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Ten years ago, when I was first learning about the mysterious word called “awakening,” I spent months reading every book I could find on intuition, and writing in a journal. I had never been much of a journal writer, but one day, while perusing a book store, something inside said “buy me” after picking one

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I’ve just returned from a six day trip up Mt. Baker in Washington guiding and teaching a group of all African American people from around the U.S. who are training to climb Denali next summer. We were also being filmed by a media team to market next years climb for sponsorship! Mt. Baker holds the

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“All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.” ~Anatole France The word CHANGE. What does it bring up for you? Do you notice joy, fear, excitement, anxiety, or dread? In the

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I know what you’re thinking, “I hate having anxiety!” – maybe I’m wrong in saying this, but my guess is, I’m not. It’s not a pleasant feeling: maybe you have a knot in your stomach, tightness in your chest or shoulders, nausea, insomnia, or fatigue. I know for me, I didn’t like it when I

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I couldn’t resist using this quote! It was so appropriate for an experience I want to share with you, and how this experience is relevant to you and your life. This weekend I went to one of the best musical festivals, I think, there is. It’s the Montana Folk Festival in Butte, Montana. If you

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There have been pivotal times in my life where a certain moment or person has provided me with incredible clarity and inspiration. You know, the kind of moment that you still remember every detail about, as if you were standing in the same place of time again with smells, sight, sounds, and especially how you

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As we are all observing, our world is changing rapidly in terms of technology. Being technologically phobic (Yes, this is true. I write a blog and designed a website, but resisted starting each of them because it involves technology!), I have yet to get a iPhone, etc. smart phone – you know, the ones that

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