Last March a woman named Dianne contacted me who wanted to come to the Living Beyond Belief retreat, but needed a scholarship to do it. Miraculously one of my readers sent a full retreat scholarship the next day, for whomever needed it, not knowing that Dianne had just called me the day before asking about one.
I had seen her gradual improvement since the retreat and shared the joy she is having in life, but what I learned at her recent birthday party was something that brought tears to my eyes and touched my heart again as Dianne described what the retreat meant to her:
“I walked slowly into Friday night of the Living Beyond Belief retreat last March carrying an oxygen tank on my back. After losing a breast to cancer 2 years ago, I was now being faced with the spread of it through my body and fluid build-up in my lungs from it. The chemo left me exhausted and emotionally drained. I thought I was defined as cancer, and I felt devastated by the prognosis, not sure if I’d still be alive in 6 months.
After bottoming out, or experiencing what some call, “the dark night of the soul,” I knew I needed something to connect myself back to my heart and spirit. That’s what the retreat did for me. Over the weekend, I experienced extraordinary support and unconditional love from the facilitators and the other participants, where I felt safe, loved, and a willingness to be open.
Saturday night of the retreat weekend, I had dinner with a friend. She said, “What happened, you are so ALIVE and happy!” By Sunday I realized I wasn’t defined by cancer, but by my heart and it was screaming to be alive!
Since that weekend, in conjunction with the standard cancer treatments, I have been gradually feeling better, I have more energy, and miraculously, the cancer levels have gone down significantly, as well as the fluid in my lungs. I celebrated my 56th birthday recently (6 months after the retreat) and can honestly say that the Living Beyond Belief retreat was a catalyst to significantly feeling and being more healthy and happy. It gave me hope and re-opened doors to new possibilities.
Another friend of mine told Angela at my recent birthday party, ”Dianne raved about the retreat. And from what I saw, it was the catalyst to a drastic shift in her physical and emotional health. It was the start of her being able to be here right now celebrating her birthday!”
The retreat gave me hope, and created a shift at the cellular level of my body. I can now go on hikes, I sleep better, I have more strength, and can now stretch and move my body with much greater ease. I feel joyful and at peace. I am morphing into a beautiful butterfly of my true nature ready to explore the world! Thank you
Angela, Susie, Alice, Shaun, Stormi, Kathleen, and the wonderful group for the gift you provided me. I am truly grateful!”
We are celebrating with you Dianne! Here’s a video to honor Dianne and the joy she is now experiencing (and you get to experience my amazing singing voice!):
We can inspire and be inspired every day. What inspires you? Who inspires you? Think about this seriously, because when you feel inspired, you are tapping into what is possible for yourself. You see a gymnast do a triple flip and you feel inspired. Maybe being a gymnast isn’t your path, but it gives you inspiration to go beyond what you think is possible.
This is what Dianne has done for me. Her courage, strength, and tremendous heart show me that anything is possible. Thank you.
Categories: Heart Centered Living