In the fall of 2005 I went to India feeling healthy and strong, returning 2 months later with an undiagnosable illness. Whether I got this virus in India or brought it from the States is irrelevant. It manifested as fatigue, dizziness, loss of balance, nausea, and a band of pressure that surrounded my head. I

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Every spring I have an itch to go to the desert, any kind of desert, a place with warmth, where I can put on my sandals, shorts, and a wide brimmed hat. A place where I can thaw out from a Montana winter and find out what my skin looks like in the glow of

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Last month I facilitated the “Living Beyond Belief” weekend retreat with yoga, meditation, art, journaling, drumming, and dance. I partnered with five talented women to make this happen, and the result was MAGIC! Some of you may have read my blog post from the day after (click here to read it), but I want to

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After attending a writing workshop at the Omega Institute in New York last fall (for this story click here), I knew that I needed to bring the feel of Omega to Montana. I knew that to feel as alive as I did after spending a week at Omega needed to be shared with others, so

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As I continue my journey of growth and evolving, I continue the unfolding of my feminine side. Until I was 35, I rejected my feminine side. This included dressing in more masculine clothes, ignoring my wisdom and intuition, dis-respecting feminine power, and seeing heart and emotions as “weak.”  Then one day, when I went to

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I had a beautiful conversation with a friend this morning who is going through a big life transition – leaving her relationship. We talked about the loneliness that comes  after living with someone for so long, or even when we haven’t been living with some one. She said it comes up for her sometimes, and

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Several years ago I attended my first weekend retreat. Eve, the facilitator, came up from Boulder, Colorado to guide and nurture the eight women who had signed up for this July retreat held in a rustic cabin located at the base of the Crazy Mountains. The flowers were in bloom, the grasses green, and the

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This past weekend, Alice Robison and I facilitated a one day silent meditation retreat in Bozeman. We had mentioned the word “compassion” throughout the day, and in the closing circle of sharing questions and/or experiences, one participant asked: “So what does compassion mean anyway?” What a great question!! It got me thinking, why not write

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My family is visiting for two weeks here in Bozeman over the holidays. It’s wonderful to have them here, and truly a gift given that in August of this year, it was thought that Mom had cancer. But it turns out it was just a very large benign tumor, so here we are celebrating life

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Last night I returned home from teaching the “Connecting with your Spirituality” class with an incredible lightness and appreciation for what I am doing. I am filled with gratitude for where my life is heading, and the lives I touch through what I now do. Life has not always felt like this, and often times,

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