I know the feeling – waking up wondering why you’re here. I’m talking about the BIG wonder: Why you’re here on the planet? •••FREE Teleseminar below! You feel like you’re floating around in life, perhaps bouncing from one thing to the next (meaning really busy) with no real direction or feeling of greater purpose

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This article is for you if: You’re single You’re settling in a relationship that you know isn’t your true heart’s desire (or is a “maybe” that probably means no), but you stay because you’re afraid of being single You’re on the verge of divorce You’re in a healthy relationship and want some tips for self-care

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Sometimes I think it’s really healthy to not take yourself too seriously. Well, most of the time, I think it’s helpful. But sometimes we can choose to really, really, put ourselves out there in the, “let’s see how unserious I can be (aka: am I really doing this?)” land. So I did.  My 40th birthday

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Do you get tired of people saying to you, “Well, just let go of it/him/her”? Or argue with yourself that it’s time to let go, but you don’t know how to? I want to share with you one of my favorite stories told by my spiritual teacher Matthew when he was three years into his

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There was a time in my life when I would hang out with whoever showed an interest in spending time with me. I’m not talking cute boys (well, that happened too), but the friends that asked, “Want to go for a hike?” – after they complained about their job, boyfriend, life, etc. for the 3rd

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You might be wondering what I’m talking about. “How can there be joy in doing the dishes or brushing my teeth?” you ask. Maybe your great at multi-tasking, so you brush your teeth, make a phone call, comb your hair, and make lunch all at the same time (are you laughing right now cause this

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I was gone. No where to be seen. In my relationship, that is. Where did I go? Well, I disappeared into all of my insecurities and beliefs around who I thought I “should” be in a relationship. This is no fault or blaming of my partner, but being scared out of my wits to be

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Life’s challenges can be a springboard to happiness. You might laugh, and say “No way, hard times SUCK, and I wish I didn’t have to go through them!” Well, I’m here to tell you differently. To say to you, “Hard times are a gift.”  Yes, it’s true. IF you take the path of learning from

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That word “abundance” can mean a lot of things. It use to mean “money” to me. More money meant more freedom, more peace of mind, more fun, more… Especially if you live from a place of “scarcity” in your mind believing you don’t have enough. Believing you’ll be happy when… My spiritual teacher Matthew states

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I came across an article recently that caused my head to turn. It’s been running in the back of my mind to share with you, and now it’s time. It’s time because it’s so much of what I offer people in working with me, and may speak volumes to each of you who are running

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