I was on the phone with a client this week when she asked, “How do I know it’s my intuition talking and not my ego? It’s so hard to tell sometimes.” A fantastic question. It IS hard to tell sometimes, and with enough practice and some specific tools (I share below), you’ll know how to

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“God is the energy and frequency that joyfully permeates all things.” When I read this line, I stopped. I took a deep breath in. My heart knew it was the Truth – so eloquently said. So perfect. So exact. So vast in it’s meaning. Tears came to my eyes. Easy to know when I see flowers

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If you’re anything like me, you have your share of struggles in knowing is it the right decision to do….? Or is it not….? What if xyz happens if I don’t do it? What if it does? The mind gets soooo wrapped up in itself with fear it can be hard to see straight much

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On New Year’s day of 2018, it was a Super Moon. This means that the moon was the closest it will be to planet earth for the entire year. Incredible. With the closeness brings power. Power in your intentions and your actions. Power in the energy you put forth in each step you take. Intentions

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It use to scare me, the silence. My first silent meditation retreat I felt like I was going to explode. My mind was so amped up, wanting to do, do, do (that was the first three days, then it began to calm down – thankfully!). Now I go into silence and feel completely at home.

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My first experience of the liminal space was when I told my partner 15 years ago that he wasn’t right for me and he walked out the door. The rock in my gut told me I was in the liminal space. Liminal comes from the latin word “limens,” which means “threshold.” We’re literally on a

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“You cannot truly see and be aware of the beauty of all life, or express the depths of love and compassion for others, until you have first seen your own sublime beauty and expressed love and compassion for yourself.” ~Ramtha I was teaching the rewiring technique to a client last week, when we got to

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I’m often asked, “How do you do it?” “IT” can mean: how I work from other countries, travel, or have such incredible health. The latest being, “Your skin looks so great for the amount of time you spend outdoors, how do you do it?” I’m going to give you a little back story on the

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In the two weeks since our 2016 presidential election, many people have been experiencing fear and anger. I can understand why given the words of inequality, prejudices, and disregard for our precious planet. My heart feels for every person who is experiencing fear or anger or separation. To be honest, I didn’t think this would

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