The first time I went to a silent meditation retreat in 2003 it was for 10 days. I’d never meditated before, much less for 10 days. And the most horrifying part going into it was knowing I couldn’t talk to anyone for 10 days. Would my head implode? What would I find in there? I

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Something happened last week that took me totally by surprise. I’d been feeling really irritated and frustrated for several days, and I thought it was because I hadn’t meditated for two days in a row. I didn’t know what else it could be. So I began my practice again, and began to feel more peace,

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Something I practice in my own life and that I work with clients on is the idea of surrender. You know when you get news about something you really don’t want to hear, or your pet gets sick, or you get sick, or you just burnt the toast when you didn’t want to? Surrendering is

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As I sit down to write this, I’m feeling filled with emotion. A bit like a roller coaster ride. You probably know what I mean. I feel sadness, excitement, peace, joy, grieving, and gratitude. Yes, all of them swirling around in there… I just returned from 3 weeks of travel to Hawaii. A place I’ve

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I know, it’s the holiday’s. You might be thinking, “Oh know, another talk about giving…!” Yes, I’m writing about it because it’s the holiday’s, but I’m also writing about it because it was the very first teaching of the Buddha whenever he taught. The very first one every time (of hundreds of teachings). It was

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I got some news I didn’t like. I was pissed. But I didn’t let it show. After all, anger isn’t a nice, lady like thing to show. I don’t get angry. So I reached in the cupboard for a box of cookies. “Ahhh, that’s better.” I thought.  And then it happened again. I was pissed.

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Okay – you might be thinking a certain kind of luv, like, you know, the self-pleasure kind of luv. That’s important too, but what I’m talking about here is the heart centered luv – for your body. I think about loving my body in two ways: one is the physical kind of love, the other

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Today’s article is close to my heart because it’s the foundation of my business. It’s why I do what I do. Exactly one year ago today, I wrote a blog post on the top five regrets of the dying. I keep those regrets in the forefront of my mind because I want to learn from

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I had the “pleasing disease” for awhile. I wanted everyone to like me, not say no to others, over work, not get enough sleep, suppress my anger and resentment that I was feeling because I had overextended myself, and go on each day just like that. Until I got sick for 2 years. Then things

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O.k. Maybe it’s not JOY, like jumping up and down joy, or going on vacation joy, or skiing a powder day joy, but it certainly makes a difference in your amount of mental suffering you do or don’t have when you get sick. You see, there is pain and there is suffering. Pain/discomfort is not

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