When I read this sentence my jaw dropped, “90% of the thoughts you have today are the same ones you had yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that.” It’s astounding really. Yet, we want life to be different (I can tell you many stories of myself in this boat). Either our

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“You cannot truly see and be aware of the beauty of all life, or express the depths of love and compassion for others, until you have first seen your own sublime beauty and expressed love and compassion for yourself.” ~Ramtha I was teaching the rewiring technique to a client last week, when we got to

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I’m often asked, “How do you do it?” “IT” can mean: how I work from other countries, travel, or have such incredible health. The latest being, “Your skin looks so great for the amount of time you spend outdoors, how do you do it?” I’m going to give you a little back story on the

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It’s time friends. It’s time to create some intention for 2017. Not just any intention, but the BIG MAMA intention. The kind of intention that ROCKS YOUR WORLD. The kind that causes you to take action you wouldn’t have last year. The kind that brings butterflies swirling around in your stomach – even in formation.

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For the last two years I didn’t think I’d ever be able to run again. And, for the last 10 years, I thought the sometimes lack of energy and long recovery time I had was either the aging process or the affects from a 2 year virus in my head – or a combination of

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In the two weeks since our 2016 presidential election, many people have been experiencing fear and anger. I can understand why given the words of inequality, prejudices, and disregard for our precious planet. My heart feels for every person who is experiencing fear or anger or separation. To be honest, I didn’t think this would

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When I contracted a 2 year virus in my head in 2005 after traveling to India, and not knowing why I was sick for the first 6 months, I fought hard, thinking, “I’ll get better – keep pushing, it’s just a passing phase.” I had been strong, full of energy and in the best shape

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Making a big decision is not what most people think – it’s not “figuring it out.” It’s actually the opposite. Last week I had a big decision to make, or at least it felt like one. I hardly slept the night before. I had 24 hours to decide (no pressure or anything :). It was to

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I recently met Barbara at a Death and Dying Retreat (it was actually really joyful!) held by Nancy Ruby of Yoga Motion and Maribeth Goodman of The Goodman Group. Barbara’s presence is like a light bulb that doesn’t go off. She has a spirit and energy that defies her 83 year old body. One that begs

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It started when I was 8 years old. Eating sugar that is. My mom, bless her heart, wanted us to be healthy, so we had no sugar in the house. Growing up in California, where aluminum can collection brought in some cash, I would collect enough to buy a Snickers (my favorite) at the local

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