I was a Do It Yourselfer.  For a long time (like decades). Not only with things like fixing the leaky faucet, but I managed a 3 month remodel of my house while living with my new boyfriend (which I don’t recommend – either one that is). And finally, I was determined to heal on my

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Yesterday I woke up feeling, well, you know, blue… Blue, lonely, sad, frustrated, bland, unmotivated, blue… I had nothing to complain about – other than things weren’t going exactly as I wanted them to.  My business teaches me this every day – being patient and o.k. with life just as it is. But damn it

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I use to love to read “adventure” books like the tales of Lewis and Clark, gnarly climbing adventures of struggle and survival, exploration of the African continent before white men were there, and other crazy tales. I’d get swallowed in the adventure book (staying up until 2am reading).  I didn’t just read about it either.

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You might not want to hear this, but I’m going to say it anyway: Gossiping is toxic to your health. There, I said it. Just saying it is going against the grain of society and culture. Scary, but true. I once read in Yoga Journal a short article that said that gossiping helps to create

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Do you struggle with conflict like I do? Do you run and hide or stay silent so you don’t have to get in an argument with someone?  That was me to a tee. It use to work pretty well for me. I just ran away (avoided) and then didn’t deal. Done.  But the side affect?

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The relationship with yourself is THE most precious, important, life changing relationship to cultivate. I know, I’ve experienced both: being my own worst enemy and now, my own best friend – every day.  It’s also the foundation of your happiness. I’m not exaggerating – it really is. I use to believe my nose was too

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When I took my first ballroom dancing class (country two-step) 10 years ago, I felt awkward, uncoordinated, and most of all, phobic of my partner. “Ewww – I’m suppose to touch this guy I don’t know – I mean be that close to him?” That was my own insecurities of course – nothing to do

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Life is a choice. It’s all a choice. I’m not talking about the events of life, but how you respond to those events, whether you like them or not. And how you respond to the opportunities in your life. How many times today, this week, or this month have you said the words, “I can’t”

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This month I did something daring – I spent a week with my Mom in her RV roaming around the Southern Nevada desert. And it was awesome. The desert in the spring time is simply: Gorgeous. Breathtaking. Peaceful. Rejuvinating. Happy.  I’m sharing it with you through a video I made just for you from the

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Do you find yourself: Not doing things you’d like because you’re afraid of what others might say, failing, succeeding, or the the unknown?   Not saying what you’d like because you’re afraid of what others might think or do?  Guess what? You’re experiencing, what I believe, 90% of the people on this planet do. And

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