Being the Marble or the Space Between the Marble

I was on Skype with a client this week who is in a life transition. She knows it’s an important transition to make and has been having some fear with it (totally normal in life transitions).

As we were working through the fear with our eyes closed, she went from feeling scared to feeling expansive, as if her body went beyond the physical walls of her skin.

When she opened her eyes, she said, “That felt like something someone once told me about marbles in a jar… you can fill up the space of the marble itself or be the space between the marbles.”

When she said that, I knew I needed to share it with you. It’s a brilliant analogy and speaks so much to Marianne Williamson’s quote:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. 
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. 
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. 
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?”…

Our minds so often say, “Who am I to take up the entire marble (of myself)?”

It feels more scary than staying comfortably between the marbles.

We stay in the comfortable place when we acquiesce to someone else even though we don’t agree, or tell ourselves it’s not possible to start a business “because no one wants what I have to offer,” or we don’t take dance class even though we LOVE to dance just because we “don’t have a partner to go with.”

There’s a smallness that comes with this, and underneath it are two things: One – a belief that you don’t matter, or your joy doesn’t matter; and Two – being your full potential or “filling the marble” is really scary, because who are you to take up that entire marble anyway (so the mind believes)?

Life is asking us every day to fill up our space IN the marble: when our hearts are screaming to speak our truth even if it’s scary, when we have a passion for something and our hearts are being asked to act on it, or when someone says “I love you” and we allow or don’t allow that love to fully enter our heart.

Can you feel, for just one moment, the fullness of who you are, as you are?

The expansiveness inside you that is begging to be released; to know what it’s like to fully inhabit your skin, in every cell, every heart beat, and every breath?

It’s possible, my dear friend, to fill up your entire marble.

Here are few tips how:

  • Say at least one truth or nice thing about yourself every day. “I am enough” is a great one to start with.

  • Name the fear that’s standing in the way of filling up your marble: fear of judgment, fear of being seen, fear of failure, fear of making a mistake, fear of being wrong, etc. and tell the truth about the fear. Do it scared.
  • Give yourself permission to fill up the marble – to be your full potential. The ego wants to stay where it’s safe, where risks don’t need to be taken, where fears don’t need to be addressed, but Life wants you to do something different, and my guess is, your heart does too.

As my client said during her session, “I want to fill up the space IN the marble because not only do I miss out, but the world misses out too.”

How do you want to start or continue filling the space of YOUR marble today?

Categories: Heart Centered Living

About the Author: Angela Patnode

My passion, my calling, is for you to be totally you. Through private coaching, in-depth retreats, and online group coaching programs, I help you tap into your intuition and clarify your desires and vision, I guide you to take active steps toward making your desires a reality.

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