While growing up, my Mom had a quote hung on her bedroom wall, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!” That quote is hanging in my head spinning round and round as my sister and I wait in the surgery lounge area at a hospital in Southern California. We are waiting, staring into space, contemplating, quietly anxious, to hear about our Mom’s cancer prognosis. What will it be? How will our lives and the life of our mother change with the words that we hear?
It’s like hanging on a precipice not knowing when or if the earth will give way. We’re making lemons as we sit, giving each other a smile every now and then, enjoying a laugh when my brother-n-law intercedes a joke, telling ourselves everything will be o.k. And what is o.k. anyway?
Pondering the realities of mortality has been one of the greatest spiritual journey’s I’ve taken so far in life, and it’s up front and center as never before. Some of you may stop reading at this point because death feels too scary to think about out, or can be thought of as “depressing.” But in looking straight into our own mortality, we can bring a much greater sense of life and vitality to how we live, and potentially relieve that deep rooted fear!
Contemplate who you imagine around you when you die and what you say to each other; live today as if it were your last day (what would you do differently and the same); send a letter to friends and/or family members thanking them for something they have done for you; walk through a cemetery and imagine the lives of the people there; imagine your own death – how would you die if you could choose? These are just a start to many ways we can address our own death, which ultimately creates more life for us through relieving fear!
My mom’s optimism, smile, laugh, and attitude are what we are thinking of now. How she has been a role model for us, even going into surgery today with courage, honesty, and laughter. We sit in the unknown, opening and hoping. With all the lemonade we’re making, we’ll have enough for a street side stand soon!
Categories: Health & Happiness