Sometimes a book comes along that is a game changer. It speaks right to the realness of life and the desire that we all have to be happy.
That is this book.
Thanks to the past client who recommended I read it (it took a couple of reminders, but it happened!).
The book is titled, 10% Happier by Dan Harris. Dan is the co-anchor of Nightline news and Good Morning America on ABC television. He’s been covering news for over 15 years, from stories of Iraq to evangelists across the U.S., and much more.
He writes about his journey through the “spiritual thicket,” as he calls it (one of my favorite lines in the book), after having a panic attack on live television in front of millions of viewers. It starts him on his path of waking up.
He takes you through his struggles, his celebrations, his realness as a human – judgments, self-deprecation, doubt, skepticism, and the search for happiness, all with brilliant humor and candor.
He talks about starting meditation and his experience with it. There’s even a chapter describing in funny detail his time at a 10-day silent meditation retreat.
Another of my favorite lines from the book came when he was describing reading Eckhart Tolle’s book A New Earth.
“It was a little embarrassing to be reading a self-help writer and thinking, “This guy gets me.” But it was in this moment, lying in bed late at night, that I first realized that the voice in my head – the running commentary that had dominated my field of consciousness since I could remember – was kind of an asshole.”
I was engaged the entire book – read it in 4 days. I’m not guaranteeing anything, but I think you’ll relate to it too. It’s not a “guru” book, it’s a human being expressing his story with total honesty. You’ll find gems of insights and wisdom he’s gained from his journey. I love books like this.
Books are a great supplement to your spiritual journey. Once you read the book, put it down and start your meditation practice (or re-start it), attend a retreat – like the one coming up May 30-June 1, seek out a teacher, and do the hands on work it takes to be 10% (or more) happier.
It really can happen. I promise.
Categories: Health & Happiness, Heart Centered Living