I use to want to be “normal.” I use to want to fit in with the crowd. To be accepted by all. To be liked. To be normal. To be normal meant dressing normally, acting normally, working normally, and socially interacting normally. Well, I didn’t wear dresses when I was kid. I liked to play

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The answer is… only if YOU think so. You’re the only one who is stopping it from happening. No one else. I hear people say, “I’m 40. I’ve been doing this job for 15 years. It’s what I know how to do.” Yet they are uninspired, stressed, bored, and even depressed with the THOUGHT of

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With a move from Bozeman coming up this fall (and not sure where I’m going), I’ve been feeling the need to take some quiet time to listen. To listen to what my intuition is saying. Last weekend was a “self-retreat” weekend.  It was time to go sit by some water (I find water to be

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A client sent a picture to me this week of a post it note he put above his desk to remind himself every day of the Truth. He added these words in the email with it: “Purposely placed crooked and off center.” (Shared with his permission) He realized how much trying to be perfect was

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You feel it. This sense of knowing that you’re growing/evolving, but your partner is not. Or perhaps in a different direction. You feel it in your stomach, perhaps your heart. Perhaps it emerges as fear. Fear that all that you’ve built together may be lost. That you’re growing apart. You’ve mentioned it to them –

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One of the most beautiful parts of my work is guiding clients to let go. To let go of a career that’s not serving them anymore, a relationship they know isn’t right for them anymore, or anger or resentment toward themselves or a family member that’s keeping their heart from truly opening. It can also

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I remember when, as a child, how exciting it was to go on a field trip – to leave the school grounds to do something different, something out of the ordinary, something that wasn’t part of the rules of school. To do this required a signed permission slip from mom or dad saying they approved

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Does the word sex make you feel uncomfortable? Cause a little tightness in your stomach? Yet totally grab your attention at the same time? Maybe you feel a little excitement too? We don’t talk about it, but we think about it. We don’t share about it, but we share it with someone. We might have

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A few years ago I saw an ad on Facebook, “Models Wanted. No experience preferred.” I clicked on it. I had a secret desire to be a model, but didn’t think I had the looks to be that person. But more deeply, because I didn’t really embrace my body all that much. In fact, I

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Something happened last week that took me totally by surprise. I’d been feeling really irritated and frustrated for several days, and I thought it was because I hadn’t meditated for two days in a row. I didn’t know what else it could be. So I began my practice again, and began to feel more peace,

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