I love the warmth of summer, but the moment it turns to fall, my body does a little happy dance too.
Time to spend evenings on the couch reading my new favorite book, or trying a new recipe (I’m kinda getting into this cooking thing – miracles never cease to happen!).
The fun mania of summer can be put aside for now while I focus on the inward dance of nurturance.
I hope you’re enjoying the cooling of the days as well (at least if you live in a northern climate) and your body and heart are happy.
I’ve been enjoying the every day mundane activities like doing the laundry, washing the dishes, mowing the lawn (okay, that’s a big step for me), and going to the grocery store – picking out organic vegetables and ingredients for my next yummy and nourishing recipe.
Last week, while I was going through the check out line in my favorite locally owned grocery store, the clerk (who’s helped me with my groceries since I moved to Bozeman 18 years ago) was scanning my food.
As I was bagging, I noticed a gentleman standing behind her, thinking it was her supervisor. When she finished scanning my last item, she turned around and they embraced.
He held her, they kissed, said, “I love you” to each other and he walked out of the store.
I was so struck by this I said to her, “That was really beautiful to witness.”
She replied, “He and I were both in car accidents when we were younger, and he comes in here every day that I’m working to crack my back.”
“Every day?” I asked. “Yes!” she said with a smile. I didn’t want to make any assumptions, so I asked, “Is he your husband?”
“Yes, we’ve been married for 37 years.”
“WOW, REALLY? And kids too?” I exclaimed. “Yes, 4 of them with 9 grandchildren.” Her smile growing.
Tears started to well up in my eyes. There was an unspoken awe that I felt for that kind of love after 37 years of marriage and 4 kids later that I found deeply moving.
The kind of love that her husband comes to where she works every day to help her back feel better. So incredibly sweet.
It touched me in the place where God captures my heart. That that act of love in the grocery store that day was what we’re all capable of.
And we don’t need to be in a romantic relationship to feel it. WE ALL HAVE IT. We were born with it, and it never goes away, it just gets hidden in the busy-ness, the stress, the addictions, the pain, the resentments, the humanness…
I noticed that feeling of Divine love once again on a walk last night as the sun was setting. It was low in the sky, just above the horizon.
I was walking toward it, and felt moved to turn around. When I did, I was greeted by the biggest double rainbow I’ve ever witnessed. It seemed to span across the entire sky. It felt like my heart expanded to the size of that rainbow.
What I know is that our hearts can expand even more. There is no limit to the love of the heart, because that kind of love, the unconditional love, comes from a Source much greater than anything we can comprehend.
There is war, there is famine, there are destructive hurricanes, there are atrocities that our hearts cannot look at or causes it to break, but would we know the vastness of the human heart without those tragedies? Would we know the light of the sun without the darkness of night?
Marianne Williamson, spiritual guru and best selling author and speaker, ran for the Democratic Presidential nomination this summer. She ran on the platform of love. How radical is that? Unheard of actually, and incredibly courageous. She made it all the way to the third debate, which says a lot about what people are craving.
I believe it’s possible that when this country is ready, love will win. But it will be beyond “winning,” it will be a hoping, a believing and a knowing of our inherent nature.
I’ve been dog sitting a few friends dogs this summer, and I leave you with a picture of the love bugs (aka Freddie and Amigo).
Love comes in many forms, many shapes, many ways. Open your heart to all, as they are all a gift from the Beyond.
We are made from love. This is Truth.
Our task is to discover all the barriers we’ve unconsciously created to giving and receiving that love and remove those barriers, one layer at a time.
The gift of your love is needed and wanted in this world.
Categories: Heart Centered Living